Installation of floors
in industrial facilities
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Many years of experience, hundreds of completed projects
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The most environmentally friendly buildings in Poland
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Large-size garages
in public utility facilities
See moreOur offer
Pulako offers an extensive range of industrial flooring, including: resin, concrete, epoxy and anti-static floors.

Resin floors
All floors available in matte finish with extra UV-proof coating and increased resistance to wear.

Polyurea resin
Polyurea resin is characterized by extensibility and mechanical resistance.

Expansion joint systems
We offer expansion joint systems such as heavy watertight profiles or overlay parking profiles.

The repair of the concrete structures is suitably accomplished using pressure injection.

Keeping floors clean is crucial for maintaining aesthetics and safe operation.
years of activity
square meters of flooring
European countries

Pulako Floors
PULAKO is a company with a well-established tradition reaching as far as the year 1997. Since then, we have provided over 3.6 mln m2 of industrial flooring in six European countries. From the moment it was founded, or company has become a leading specialist in professional installation of resin, concrete and polymer flooring and shot blasting.
Services at the highest level
Our accomplishments include various types of venues: production, commercial, sports, public utilities, and many more. The wide range of our products caters to diversified and specific needs of our customers both in Poland and abroad.

We are among few Polish companies offering tailor-made complete flooring services. Owing to the fact that we do not use the services of subcontractors on any stage of the installation process, your flooring will fulfill the highest technical, functional and aesthetic standards.
Do not hesitate to have a look at our photo gallery with pictures of sites where we worked and to contact us in case of any questions.
Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlano-Handlowe PULAKO
34-114 Brzeźnica
ul. Spacerowa 3